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Expertise. Collaboration. Ingenuity.

Middle and high school students rarely get the individualized mentorship they need to be successful through their school. In fact, according to the American School Counselor Association,  the national average ratio of students to school counselors is 385-to-1 for the 2022–2023 school year (the most recent year for which data is available). Moreover, school counselors typically only meet briefly with students once or twice over four years. Most often, these short check-in meetings typically only take place during students' senior year - when it's way too late to make significant, meaningful progress.


EduSail knows your student deserves more. That's why we specialize in forming an inclusive, joyful Crew that serves your student's individual needs. Learn more about the members of your Crew below.


The Captain

Dr. Jessica White

For each graduating class, Dr. Jessica White works directly one-on-one with up to 15 students throughout their journey with us. By only accepting a small number of clients personally, Dr. White is able to fully commit to providing individualized counseling with complete dedication. When Dr. White's one-on-one roster has reached capacity, Dr. White will support students alongside our team of highly qualified counselors, the Navigators.

About our crew

Our Crew consists of incredible experts, and we're proud to have them aboard.

Our Curriculum

Our data-driven curriculum is developed by a team of expert educational researchers.

Our curriculum is updated continually to reflect new findings in relevant literature.


Below is a general overview of the curriculum students will cover in one-on-one meetings.

Grades 6 to 8

Our mentorship curriculum for students in grades 6 to 8 focuses on foundational skills that are essential for success in any industry. Dr. Jessica White guides students through tailored modules on topics including time management, organization, leadership, communication, and much more. Students also begin to set goals and monitor progress through guided benchmarking. In the following years, the lessons learned during this time will be referenced and built upon in our progressive curriculum.


Grades 9 to 10

As students progress through grades 9 to 10, our curriculum becomes progressively more specific to meet individual needs and interests. In addition to covering general fundamental topics like study skills and resumé building, Dr. Jessica White guides students in proactively finding post-high school opportunities that are a good fit early on. She then advises students on the exact pathways they should follow throughout high school to prepare for a future in their preferred industry.



Grades 11 to 12

In grades 11 to 12, students prepare for life beyond high school in an invaluable seminar that covers essentials and is additionally tailored to their unique, specific individual needs and interests. Dr. Jessica White aids students in applying to colleges, universities, or programs that are the best fit for them via one-on-one workshops on application elements including essay topics, activity lists, and much more. Students also receive guidance on financial literacy and explore available scholarships and FAFSA, as applicable.

Tracks We Offer

Many generic college counseling services exist, but we're so much more than that. Dr. Jessica White provides meaningful mentorship for every student, whether they are college-bound or not.


In addition to offering superior college counseling services that help students earn admittance into highly competitive, top-ranked universities, we also specialize in guiding students who intend to enter a career field or the military right after high school graduation.


We're different because we understand that every student has unique needs and interests. In fact, we celebrate that! We work with every student to ensure they're on the best track to achieve their goals. We begin students on a track as soon as they join us. We'll learn about your student's specific goals in our onboarding meeting and will set them on the right track from there.


Below is an overview of what the curriculum for each track covers.

College Admissions Prep

Creating targeted college list

Extracurricular development

College tour plan

Demonstrated interest guidance

NCAA guidance for athletes

Scholarship and FAFSA guidance

Activity list writing

College essay writing

Application reviewed by committee

Assess offers in the spring

College financial planning

Career or Military Prep

Career-specific skill building

Networking opportunities

Internship and job shadowing opportunities

Guidance in necessary certificates, schooling, etc.

ASVAB preparation

Application guidance

Portfolio drafting

Resumé building

Cover letter writing

Interview practice

Financial planning

More Topics We Cover

Our Core Values

Access & Advocacy

Every student should have access to resources they need to be successful. We vow to advocate for equity and to teach our students to advocate for themselves, too.

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Meaningful Relationships

Relationships matter. We commit to authentically developing relational capacity to ensure that our students thrive in a safe, supportive environment at EduSail.

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High Expectations

Every single student is capable of achieving absolutely anything they dream of. We push our students to their greatest capacity, regardless of circumstances.

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What's Best for Students

With every decision, we consider one question first: What's best for our students? We also continuously analyze data and pursue growth opportunities to best serve students.

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Schedule a Consultation

with our senior counseling team

Let's find your best fit together, anytime.


Find Your Best Fit

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